Monday, April 25, 2011

Apr 25 - Happy Easter

In Conakry to use a stronger internet connection - really makes a difference! 

Life in Guinea is hard but good.  March and April are the hottest months of the year and we have really been hot.  Rainy season starts in June and, I understand, we'll have a lot of rain between then and October.  Too bad it's a one-or-the-other situation.  A little rain here and there would be welcome.

Working on a presentation on Billie Holiday for the end of (April) Jazz History Month at the American Embassy here.  She really had a horrible upbringing and then made absolutely every bad decision possible.  Yet listen to the power of her voice and her story-telling abilities.  Amazing.

A few pictures from Africa.  The first is a wildebeest tusk that was used to make jewelry.  The second is a necklace made out of hippo teeth. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Apr 7 - Viruses and Bugs!!!!

Today I learned that the "computer lab" here in town has 65 viruses that are instantly passed on when you insert a USB jump drive.  Unfortunately the lab has the only printer in town.  So now I have 65 viruses.  Ugh.

But, in spite of the problems with heat, electricity, water, internet, and now, VIRUSES - life is good.  It's a simpler way of living.   Something very calming about that.

I hope to never see a spider this size near my toothbrush ever again...